Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A two-day trip to Sukkur

Our trip to Sukkur was a short one, but very memorable. We only spent two days in the city but they were enough to make us fall in love with all that it had to offer. Sukkur is a city in Sindh, right on the bank of river Indus. In summers, it is extremely hot and temperatures reach a scorching 55 degrees but it is lovely during winter and spring. 

Our first stop in Sukkur was the famous Sukkur Barrage. It is a 1.6km long bridge and you can walk on it. Therefore, we went on top of it and walked from one end to the other.

 A train also operates on top of the barrage, which brought us back. The view from the barrage is incredible; you get to experience the mighty river Indus in all its glory. It is even more spectacular during winters when migratory birds sit on the water in thousands. It is a sight to see.

 At the far end of the barrage is the Sukkur museum. We visited the museum and learnt about the irrigation network of the river and seven canals in sukkur, which is a masterpiece. Infact, it makes Pakistan the country with the best irrigation network.

Next up, we went to the Lansdowne Bridge, which was made, by the British, as well as Ayub Bridge.

 From there, we went to the Tomb of Seven Sisters. As the name says, there are seven tombs of sisters who passed away after making a prayer, and there is a whole myth behind it. Apart from the tomb, there were other graves too, some significantly larger than normal graves, which suggests that they are really old. The tombs are located on the bank of river Indus and provide a view of Ayub Bridge in the background.

Night had fallen by the time we finished exploring the tombs, so we decided to have dinner. We went to Pasban BBQ Restaurant, which is right on the bank of river Indus. The ambience was lovely, and so was the food. It was an amazing experience. After having a lovely dinner, we headed to our guest room for the night, which was in barrage colony.

The next morning we decided to head to Bakhar Island, which is adjacent to Sukkur. We saw the Bakhar Fort and also visited Rohri. We visited the ruins are Arore which are situated in Rohri. It was quite an experience.

After Rohri, we headed towards the Tomb of Adam Shah on Airport Road.

Next up we got on a boat to see Sadhu-Belo or Saadu Bela, which is an island in the river, which is home to the best-preserved Hindu temples in the country.

 The best part about the boat ride was that we got to see plenty of blind dolphins, which are indigenous to that region only. They were swimming alongside our boat. To preserve the population of dolphins, netting in the region is strictly prohibited.

 Anyways we got to the island and explored all the Hindu temples. Our guide was a Hindu priest who told us about the significance of each statue in great detail. We spent many hours exploring the island.

At night, we visited the bazar for some souvenir shopping. Unfortunately, we did not find many souvenirs. We got to see the Ghanta Ghar though.

The next morning we were up early and ready to head to the airport for our flight back. 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Travelling To Taxilla


There are various world legacy locales present in Pakistan and Taxila is one of them. Its other close neighboring urban communities incorporate Hassanabdal, khanpur and Wah. Wah Cantt and Taxila are twin urban areas. Taxila is among the seven tehsils of Rawalpindi locale. It is a city spread in the fringe of the Potohar level of Punjab. Taxila was verifiably known as Takshashila and is a city that goes back to 5 century BCE. The written history of Taxila begins from sixth century BC, when this Gandharan kingdom turned out to be a piece of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia
The name Taxila signifies 'City of Cut Stone', being one of the most extravagant South Asia paleologist locales. The city is known as a demonstration of Buddhism and it is said that the Buddha went through 40 years of his life lecturing in this specific piece of Pakistan. The city was likewise governed by the Greeks under ruler Alexander the extraordinary.
Taxila is a mix of affluent urban and peaceful neighborhoods. Urban local locations are as little, faultless and clean settlements. Taxila is likewise known for its modern hugeness, a portion of the significant enterprises in Taxila incorporate substantial machine production line, bond processing plant, bungalow industry, earthenware and footwear ventures

Places to visit


This Greek style exhibition hall is situated on the Grand Trunk street and has numerous earth shattering revelations from the Taxila site. Taxila gallery is home to objects that go back to 600 B.C having Buddhist and Hindu inceptions. It is an ideal portrayal of the 'Gandharan Art' displaying silver, gold and other semi-valuable stones. It's meeting time closes by 5 p.m. so it is desirable over arrangement your visit to the historical center in the first part of the day
Taxilla Museum

Bhir Mound 

Bhir Mound is the most established site of old Taxila that has been uncovered various occasions in the course of the only remaining century. It contains of a few layers of vestiges – the most punctual going back to the fifth century. It had its significance just like the focal point of organization, training and exchange.
Bhir mound

Jain temple

At the point when the city of Taxila was uncovered, figures of Buddha and Hindu sanctuaries were found. This spot is loaded with various sanctuaries and statues that were revered by individuals in those days. The fundamental statue of Julian, mahatma statue is known as statue of wellbeing and around this, there are 21 additional stupas that were worked by priests. These spots will intrigue the individuals who are enamored with prehistoric studies.
Jain temple


Sirkap is near the gallery, so is effectively available by walking. This site is the second city of old (Taxila II on the maps) and is by and by known as Sirkap after the name of a fiendish character from a society legend, who lived and kicked the bucket here.

Jandial temple

The Jandial temple, set up on a fake hill, nearly takes after the Classical sanctuaries of Greece. Its Ionic sections and pilasters are made out of huge squares of sandstone. Worked in the Scythio-Parthian period, it is most likely the sanctuary depicted by Philostratus in his Life of Apollonius of Tyana. In spite of the fact that the Jandial sanctuary isn't Buddhist, the Jaulian remains are. These incorporate a religious community and two stupa courts
Jandial temple

Ruins of town

The remnants of the town frame a sporadic shape estimating around 1 km from north to south and around 600 meters from east to west. The most established part or layer of these remnants is from the 6th and fifth hundreds of years BC. The second layer is from the fourth century BC and existed at the season of the attack of Alexander the Great. The third layer is from the season of the Maurya lords of India (third century BC). The fourth and highest stratum contains the developments from time after the Mauryan time frame. The avenues of the city demonstrate that they were thin and the house designs were exceptionally sporadic. There is little proof of arranging - the greater part of the lanes are heedless. The houses had no windows to the outside. They opened towards internal yards. The patio was open and 15 to 20 rooms were organized around it

Dharmarajika stupa

Dharmarajika Stupa is the most earliest Buddhist landmark in Pakistan. It was one of eight sanctuaries built in the third century B.C. amid the rule of Emperor Asoka of the Mauryan line to house relics of the Buddha. After some time the hallowed place was ceaselessly extended, achieving its biggest size in the second century A.D. Presently a demolish, the stupa was once covered with lime mortar and plating, however these have fallen away alongside a seven-level umbrella stone that once delegated the best. Close to the stupa are the remaining parts of immense religious communities that are scarcely discernable however for the establishment stones.
Dharmarajika stupa

Industrial significance

The city of Taxila likewise has a mechanical essentialness. Pakistan law production line, substantial industry Taxila, bond industrial facilities and in addition little bungalow industry for stoneware, ceramics and footwear add to the essentialness of the city. The business found in Taxila is vital both from the military and additionally other business reasons.

Educated city

Taxila is a genuinely taught city over all and it was otherwise called the focal point of learning and culture previously. Taxila was the prime seat of learning in the subcontinent too. The city has two conspicuous colleges to be specific HITEC college and college of building and innovation Taxila. Aside from this few little neighborhood educational systems are additionally present. Overwhelming businesses Taxila Education City was a grand expansion to the urban communities instructive foundations. The governmental issues of the city is commanded by the two noticeable families in the city in particular the Syed family and the chaudary family.

HITEC university

Famous people

Statues of different renowned individuals in history, for example, Alexander the Great and the prominent ruler Asoka are likewise be found in the city of Taxila. Every one of these statues indicate extraordinary aptitude and craftsmanship on account of the detail and unpredictability that went into the creation of these statues. Taxila was assumed control by Alexander the Great in 327 BC after which it was led by the Mauryans. Towards the end, it went under Asoka's standard amid which time it achieved the apex of its improvement and culture. In the long run, Taxila was assumed control and decimated. The last critical authentic period for Taxila was the Gandhara time frame. It was amid this time Taxila turned into a world known place for logic and workmanship. The city has a strong traveler base and furthermore draws in numerous vacationer from the area of China and Greece, principally as a result of it being a middle for Buddhism and Buddhists from everywhere throughout the world come and visit the stopas in the city as a result of their religious importance to them.

Historical cities

Like the recorded urban communities Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, Taxila was likewise an all around arranged city with wide lanes and well-assembled houses and in addition stupas for the clerics. The sovereignty of the time lived in wonderful royal residences in the city. Gold, silver coins and other adornments things have additionally been uncovered from Taxila. The present day Taxila isn't too kept up as it was in the past with the shops infringing on the principle city streets and the town arranging over all has been exceptionally poor since after the fall of the Gandhara human advancement.
Historical city


Taxila is celebrated for its crafted works which mirror the city's way of life as well as the historical backdrop of the place too. Aside from the painstaking work the city's stone work is additionally exceptionally well known and a little house industry for stone works has risen in the city.



Acclaimed eateries in Taxila are
·         Gandhara eatery,
·         Dreamland eatery
·         Food city.

 Famous Food

A portion of the well known foods of Taxila are
·         chapli kabab
·         freshwater Rohu


The bazaars of the old city offer energizing deals. You can comfortable surf in the interesting old shops in Saddar bazaar, Moti bazaar and Raja bazaar. Different renowned markets incorporate Shahmir strip mall, MandiMaweshiyan and Jhelum compressed wood Markaz timber showcase

The hills were calling

Swat is known as the Switzerland of Pakistan. The river Swat is a clear water river starting from the Ushu rage of mountains to the spread of the valley of Swat. It is one of the greenest valleys of the Northern Pakistan and is well connected to the rest of Pakistan. There are regular flights from Islamabad to Swat and back. One can also get here either from Peshawar (160 kms) or Islamabad (250 kms). The valley of Swat is located in the middle of foothills of Hindukush mountain range. The main town of the valley is Mingora and Saidu Sharif.
Swat is a place for leisure lovers, Hikers, and archeologist. There are many comfortable hotels where one can stay a while to relax. In Kalam upper Swat there are some very pleasant walks, since weather is pleasant one can easily walk over the hills for hours and enjoy the unspoiled nature.

The Swat is garden of Ashoka and was a prosperous land in the Buddhist times (2nd BC to 5 AD). There are at least over 100 archeological sites in the valley less than 10% of the area excavated. One can explore some of those sites in a half-day tour of Swat.

Islamabad to Swat is approximately 250 kms and 5-6 Hours. Drive in the morning from Islamabad stop at the confluence of Kabul & Indus Rivers. Later continue to Swat via Charsadha, stop at different village bazaars and pass the Malakand pass. One can have Lunch at a local restaurant on the way. After Malakand pass, you enter the valley of Swat. View the Churchill's picket and Shingardar Stupa on the way. Takht e Bhai most well preserved Buddhist monastery is on the way before Malakand pass time permitting can visit this archeological site too but that can extend the trip to around 8 hours.

Tourist Attractions in Swat


Marghazar 16 km away from Saidu Sharif is famous for its Sufed Mahal the white marble palace built by the first Wali (ruler) of Swat.
It used to be the ruler's summer residence. Elizabeth II (Queen of England) and Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) were also hosted there in 1961. Elizabeth II described it as "the Switzerland of the East" during the visit. The marble used to build White Palace was the same marble, which was used to build Taj Mahal. It was turned into a hotel.

Fizagat Park

Fizagat Park is a recreation arena for the tourists and the locals situated at 1 kilometer from Mingora city. Situated along the bank of the River Swat, tourists enjoy the bath and pleasant climate in summer

Malam Jabba

Malam Jabba is a Hill Station in the lower Swat mountain ranges nearly 42 km from Saidu Sharif in Swat Valley. It is 314 kms from Islamabad and 51 km from Saidu Sharif Airport. Malam Jabba is home to the largest ski resort in Pakistan. On the main Madyan-Kalam road, the road turns to the right at Manglor town (12 km from Saidu Sharif), for the Malam-Jabba Dara which has a villages like Salanda, Jehanabad, Talegraam, Badar, Ser, Malam, Kishora, , and finally Jabba. Malam is a small village, which comes prior to Kishora village on the main Malam-Jabba road. Malam is nearly 17 km from Manglor while Kishora is at 18 km distance. Jabba is the uppermost part of the whole Dara. The Malam Jabba ski resort, owned by the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation, has a ski slope of about 800m with the highest point of the slope 2804 m (9200 ft.) above sea level.
The resort was equipped with modern facilities including roller/ice-skating rinks, chair lifts, skiing platforms, telephones and snow clearing equipment.

Unfortunately, the Taliban destroyed the resort when they were in hold in Swat valley. Now that writ of the government has been reinstated and peace established, tourism has picked up. The government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) has awarded the tender for rebuilding the Malam Jabba skiing resort to a private company. Work is going on in full swing and is almost completed. Skiing has already been restored and a skiing festival was held in Jan as well.

Saidu Sharif and Mingora

At the elevation of 990 metres, Mingora and Saidu Sharif are twin-towns merged into each other. Mingora is the biggest town in Swat with all the main markets, bus stands, hotels, restaurants and shopping malls etc.; while Saidu Sharif is the administrative capital of Swat. Over time, Mingora has become heavily congested and relatively hot in summer as compared to Saidu Sharif. The Bazaars of Mingora are fascinating and worth exploring for woven woolen shawls, jackets and caps, handicrafts, old silver jewelry, old carpets, stones, dry fruits and much more. Saidu Sharif also has many schools, colleges, hospitals and government offices. Swat Serena Hotel, Swat Museum and Butkara remains are also located in Saidu Sharif.
Being capital city of picturesque Swat valley. Saidu Sharif is the principal seat of administration for looking after and managing regional government affairs several colleges, schools, government offices are situated here. Swat museum, the tomb of the Akhund of Swat, beautifully built buildings of Swat State era. Especially Jehan Zeb College, wooden building of Mehmankhana and archeological sites of Butkara I, two and three are worth seeing places in Saidu Sharif.
Mingora the center of economic activities and the only urban area of the valley is adjacent to Saidu Sharif that offers traditional, Pakistani and western food outlets, restaurants and hotels. Locally produced beautifully displayed at its main bazaar, shops, show rooms etc. include semi-precious stones, embroidered dresses, hand woven ladies’ shawls, bed sheets and woodwork. Traditional ornaments and antiques are available at shops. Visitors on trips to Swat valley usually stroll in its bazaars for shopping at the end of their journey can find emerald mines in hills northward of the city famous worldwide for their expensive and valuable emeralds.

Swat Museum

Swat Museum is located on main Mingora-Saidu Sharif road. This museum has a huge collection of Gandhara sculptures from the Buddhist sites in Swat. The original museum was constructed by the Department of Archaeology and Museums in 1958, when a twin museum was inaugurated in Rome.
The building was severely damaged by the 2005 earthquake as well as a bomb blast in 2009. The Italian archaeological mission in Pakistan has beautifully restored the museum and it is open for public again.


This riverside small town, at a distance of 66 km from Saidu Sharif and just 10 km from Madyan, is most frequently visited resort because of its location on the road leading to other beautiful resorts. A humming bazaar with shops. Eateries and hotels make it a popular place.
Household traditional decoration items are available at shops, eateries and hotels make it a popular place. Architectural beauty is fully evident in wooden-made pillars and fixtures of mosques and buildings arousing interest of visitors. Nearby valleys, full of lush green thick jungles offer hiking on narrow mountainous paths.


Being home town of Kohistani inhabitants, Kalam is like an earthly paradise in Swat Valley. Located at a distance of 40 km from Bahrain, Kalam is the main town of this region presenting one of the most panoramic natural beauties. The people known as Kohistani are its original inhabitants proud of their own language and still unchanged traditions. A fascinating view of Falaksair Peak with its melting snow even during summers is breathtaking. The journey is incomplete without seeing and going to Mahodand, a famous lake, about 23 km beyond Matiltan.
The picturesque Kalam provides road access to reach magnificent valleys of Ushu, Utrot and Gabral, where journey through green forests and beautiful view of landscape is mesmerizing. Rivers and lakes at Kalam offer good trout fishing as well.


Bashigram Lake is situated to the east of Bashigram valley near Madyan The road to this valley is partly metaled for vehicles. It takes almost forty to fifty minutes to reach this picturesque valley inhibited by simple and hospitable folk. From here. Trekking of four to five hours. Depending on professionalism and enthusiasm of the trekkers lands you in the realm of a serene and enchanting lake of Bashigram.
The above mentioned are the most visited places in Swat Valley, but it is home to a lot of other hidden gems too that need to be explored. Plan a trip of around a week to ten days if you want to fully explore the region.

Friday, December 14, 2018

The Pearl Valley

Azad Kashmir “Heaven on Earth” and “Switzerland of East” is known for its mesmerizing sceneries, tranquil waterfalls, flowering meadows, snow caped mountains and clear pure lakes. Each valley and district of Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) is awe-inspiring and deserves to be appreciated for its natural beauty. Our visit to Rawalakot was as amazing it was with Muzaffarabad.


About Rawalakot:

Rawalakot is also known as “Pearl Valley” situated in the heart of district Poonch of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). It appeared to be Saucer shaped valley and it altitude is 1615 meters high. It is 76 Kilometers far form Kohala and is linked to Islamabad via Azad Pattan and Muzafarabad. Alternate route is to take Guoien Nullah road that is recently constructed between Rawlakot and Azad Patan, road has immensely reduced time to get Rawalakot. It usually takes three and half hour drive from Rawalpindi/Islamabad to Rawalakot. 


Rawalakot weather is always fluctuating and seems to be erratic. Temperature varies from 16C to 24C in summers, there is heavy snowfall by the end of the November and the whole month of December it usually last throughout January. If you are rain lover the best time to visit Rawalakot is to around the month from April to June.
There are small hotels available all over Rawalakot for stay, they are mostly owned by Government, it would be appropriate to make reservations for rooms in advance as these accommodations are mostly used by government officials on their tours. 

Rawalakot is also famous for its educational institutes such as Agriculture University and several colleges and secondary educational institutes. The tourism is at its peak there several activities ranging form trekking, hiking, paragliding and water based activities.  

How to get Rawalakot:

Rawalakot is accessible through Islamabad/Rawalpindi by a three and a half hour long drive. You can leave for Kohala around 7.00AM from Islamabad and reach Azad Pattan than take Guoien Nalla road to finally get Rawalakot. 

Places to Visit:

Poonch is the district of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) at the very heart of which lies Rawalakot, its beauty says it all and is referred as “Pearl Valley” and “The Valley of Pearl”. The best advice we can give you is that you have the accurate knowledge of the city when visiting however navigation around city is not that difficult. Some of the must see places are Banjosa Lake, Toli Peer, Poonch River, Tata Pani, Bagh and Ghori Mar.

Banjosa Lake:

Banjosa is a beautiful lake surrounded by lush green mountains offering spectacular views. A few rest houses are constructed in the surroundings of this lake. Some tuck shops are also present at the lake but not properly managed and arranged. Weather is pleasant in summer and occasional snowfall in winter. The lake is located on Banjosa Road, 19 kilometer away from Rawalakot City in Tehsil Hajira, District Poonch, (AJK).

Banjosa Lake
Banjosa Lake


Tolipeer is the premier mountainous site in the northeastern region of Rawalakot; it is the point of origin of three different mountain ranges. The tourist rest house on the way up to Tolipeer is also placed in a picturesque scene. There are some relics of an old mazar on the uppermost hilltop. Tolipeer is most accessible during the months of summer; the weather gets really chilly from end of the year in October and lasts till March. The temperature stats to decrease around spring and environment gets really healthy to ones who visit Tolipeer can never ever forgets it.


Tolipeer Guest House
Tolipeer Guest House

Poonch River:

The river provides visitors with attractive views of clear water fronts. The river is quite wide and green land right by the side of the river is best spot for outdoor picnic. The weather is pleasant in summers but it gets hot as we move to the month of July while it gets really chilly during winters. This site is located 35 kilometers form Rawalakot at Hajira Kotli Road. People who are fond of natural beauty of water is in for treat for the mesmerizing views of habor.

Poonch River
Poonch River

Hot Spring (Tatta Pani):

On the right side of Poonch river lies Tatta Pani, it is almost 20 kilometers away from Hajira, you can reach Tatta Pani via Hajira-Mandol road and alternate road you can take is from Kotli it almost 26 kilometers. Tatta Pani means “Hot Spring” as well due to its recognition for its “Sulpher Water Springs”. Since the ancient time people know the miraculous/therapeutic property of this water and come from all over to take a dip into the Sulphur springs: this water provides relief from joint pains, fatigue and stress and skin disease. As per test reports hot spring water has got 37 precious minerals which has got therapeutic medicinal values. During winter season a large number of people visit this place daily to have hot water bath for the cure of Skin and rheumatic ailments.

Tatta Pani (Hot Spring)
Tatta Pani (Hot Spring)


The town of Bagh is located 48 kilometers away from Rawalakot, this town is located on the union of two mini nullahs, i.e. Malwani & Mall, which flow all the year round.  “Haji Peer Pass” is located about 32 kilometers away from Bagh and is linked through metaled road. All necessities are available is Bagh Bazar, different hotels are available for the visitors to stay the night.

Diarkot Park- Bagh
Dirkot Park- Bagh


About 17 kilometers form Rawalakot and 52 kilometers away from Kohala is located Paniola, the sites has known for its charming and clam environment, likewise AJK Tourism Department has constructed many rest houses over here as well, the views here are out of the world.



It is 17 kilometers far away from Rawalakot and it is surrounded by dense forests, it seems to be the perfect spot for the stay and tourist rest house has been constructed by Tourism department.


When visiting Kashmir it is your duty to enjoy there delicacies, most famous dish of Rawalakot is Tawa Ghosth. The best places to enjoy meals are Rawalkot International Hotel and Restaurant and Dhara Resturant.

Rawalkot International Hotel and Restaurant
Rawalkot International Hotel and Restaurant

Places to shop:

Rawalakot bazaar is the most visited and one of the busiest markets. Rawalakot has a downtown area, which consists of shops selling everything from groceries to electronic goods. Handicrafts, carpets, wood carvings, mushrooms apples and other fruits are the mostly purchased by tourists.

Rawalakot is only know for its beauty but also for the lively people that resides within, they are supportive in nature especially women, if until now you have not made your mind to visit, here is something that will push you over the edge.

It is every Pakistani dream to visit Azad Kashmir, it was mine the same, I was lucky enough to get to be part of such experience but there still a lot for me and my friends to explore not only in Rawalakot but other valleys of Azad Kashmir. My thoughts on the way back from every visit to Rawalakot was nothing but of serenity, it made me realize not matter where I will be I can always find my way to my paradise.