Friday, December 28, 2018

The best hiking-treks in Pakistan

Pakistan is a country known for its diverse natural beauty, and it really shines when it comes to hilly areas. Pakistan is home to few of the most stunning valleys and mountain ranges in the world. If you are a backpacker or enjoy hiking, Pakistan would not disappoint you. Hiking is an amazing way to experience nature while discovering the beauty of any region. It is also a good exercise as it helps battle cardiovascular diseases as well as stress and other health related problems. It is a natural remedy. Here are some of the hiking trails that one can find in Pakistan:

Margalla Hills Islamabad

Margalla hills are the go-to spot for all Islamabadis when they need to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. The hills are actually an extension of the Himalayas. There are 6 trails that intertwine with each other along the way. Most people go to either trail 5 or trail 3. Trail 3 goes straight to monal restaurant and it is the steepest one, whereas 5 is relatively much easier. The trails are not that long and even if you are inexperienced, you can get to the top in around 2 hours.

Mushkpuri Track

Mushkpuri track starts a few kms before Nathiagalli. When you enter the track, there are two paths that lead to the same spot. The easier one is four kms long and the tough one is 2.5kms long. It depends on your preference, but they both end up at the Mushkpuri top.

Miranjani Trek

Miranjani peak is around 8kms long and it is quite challenging. It starts from Nathiagalli and takes around 3 hours to reach the top. At the top, the hikers are welcomed by views of Tarbela lake, Thandiani & Abottabad, and even Nanga Parbat.

Ratti Galli 

Ratti Galli is located in Neelam Valley Kashmir. It is a beautiful trek and people usually go there for the Ratti Galli Lake which is situated at the top. The lake is at a height of around 12,000 feet and is accessed after a long 20km trek. Glaciers can also be seen around the lake and the views make the whole hike worth spending the time and energy.

Pipeline track

Dungagalli to Ayubia track is also called pipeline track. A water supply runs alongside it, hence the name. It is a four km track but considered the most beautiful in the region.

Fairy Meadows

After crossing Raikot bridge in District Chillas, there are two hotels that provide transport twards Fairy Meadows. The jeep ride is around 2.5 hours long. Following the jeep ride, there is also a 3 hour hike that takes you to the top. The scenery at the top is breathtaking. There is also a stunning view of Nanga Parbat. A polo ground is also situated at the top, where locals play on mules instead of horses.

K2 Base Camp Trek

The hike to K2 is the trek of a lifetime. K2 is the second highest peak in the World at a height of 8611 metres. The hike is more than 5kms long but it becomes so worth it when you get to the base camp and witness K2 as well as other mountains in all their glory.

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